Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Harmony Woods just for the lols

Dear friends lovers sinners and saints

This is a story i wrote at the start of the year. Looking back on it its rather the emo anecdotes are comical genius. Think of it what you may, but its the most fun ive ever had doing creative writing. ENJOY!

All within five minutes the way which I lived my life, the way in which I saw the world changed. It was a time of darkness these five minutes, as I would look into the core of ones self but in doing so freed myself from an endless torment.

My name is Harmony Woods, I am 17 and I enjoy reading books. Yet none of that matters in here. All I am is convict 755 to the jail wardens and for these first 5 minutes the darkness which I am succumbed with is all but a numbing pain.

I’ve always believed that people are like jig-saw puzzles. There are different sides to them, brought out by different situations. There are 5 sides in the being of Harmony Woods all of which are like different people trapped within my being. For I am strong, noble in character but still reserved and content. I glow with passion but still remain a mystery. This, my essence is why I killed a boy and why I shall be continued to be engulfed by a foreboding iniquity.

Strength is forever yearned for within people. Like when the knight clad in silver armor ablaze on his steed slays the dragon, returning human conscious to the light. As the cliché goes strength is a pillar of reassurance. Yet why would this make me take the life of another? What is this boy to me? Call him what you will yet but that cold blood lust shall always find me when I think of his resentment towards me, his resentment of a girl strong in character. It was my strength that eventually made him fall to his feet. The ghastly look on his face as the blood danced a crimson haze upon the floor. As the minute passes I realize that this strength shall only mean I am weak if reasons are unjust.

I walk a path where noble actions must exist. For without moral causes we are left with nothing but suffering. Yet this righteousness can only leave me condemned to laying at others wait. How much can one person take? For when I was met with the situation of such a helpless boy I was all but obliged to abet him. I wished for nothing but for him to be free of anger. If he could realize his anger even upon me, I knew he would be free. Yet this noble cause only resulted in my own anger being brought upon him for I ended his suffering but was wrought with affliction of my own.

Another minute passes and this dissolution I live in seems to be no clearer. What is the next piece of my puzzle? Being reserved has always kept me safe. It hides my emotions, fears and resolutions. In essence my reserved nature keeps me from being vulnerable which was all to true when I met this boy. For all his good that overbearing nature of his made him dictate me as he so pleased. It is this timid ness that took me by surprise as I lay butchery upon his feeble body. As his body crippled, a ghost of its former beauty bleeding with sorrow I came upon a realization. By letting him overcome me a growing feel of disdain meant that I would want only but to see him suffer, a suffering which is now my own.

As minutes pass by I delve further within my being. What more sides to me are there? As seconds seemingly pass by in long years I realize a sense of passion I hold. A yearning lust and desire for something, yet what does this ardent emotion lie for me? For if I am to yearn something so, something with emotion as strong as I can only meet a pitiless end. This statement, all too true and is what became of me. When I met this boy his overwhelming character could not but leave me aghast. Yet beneath all this lay a deep pain within him. My desires were to but only free him of such a pain and my determination would not falter. Yet as I followed my passion I forgot his wellbeing. Once I was overcome by such a grievous emotion I saw no than other way to end his life for him to walk away from pain. This passion could only end in anguish.

4 minutes have leaked away and all its thoughts etched within my mind. I have now begun to realize faults and emotions within my character yet I start to ask what I was to him. Such riddles he spoke in but I’ve succumbed to think I was the riddle to him. For someone so insightful I could only seem to amaze him, calling for more intrigue. I was the book he couldn’t read and it sparked a love for me I am still unable to comprehend. Such unconditional love took me whole for I felt it too. Love proves to be man’s one true form of ecstasy as its wholesome state knows no lust. Yet I could not find it within myself to accept such happiness for I was not truly worthy. For all the other reasons I couldn’t help but kill this boy his love for me was my true resounding reason. Once I left that cold, disheartened room I couldn’t help but feel a part of my self had concluded as well. Yet those glorious moments I had shall always be memories forever sweet.

Five minutes sank away…

Harmony Woods finally came to understand her being and the reasons for her dissonant actions. It was a moment of clear resounding clarity for this young girl. Yet for all onlookers it was that of a severe breakdown. Harmony broke down with echoing shouts of “Why oh why?’’. Her pale face now insipid hollows filled with discontent. Her dark eyes wrought with such pain none could understand. Tears streamed down her face as all but a jeweled twinkle. Such purity were these diamonds in a place otherwise unsanctioned.

After hours of day dwindled to a glowing ember, with much character Harmony stood for all to listen. Such respect for a meager convict was rare but her words spoken were that of a saint.’’ There have always been sides to me, so alien I could only be afraid of them. The puzzle which once lay fragmented is now whole. What may only have been few minutes was a realization of a lifetime of suffering and angst for me. So I ask you guards and convicts of the social underworld, is your puzzle whole? Well let me say this. We may believe that being here is a time of darkness and therefore we lie in the shadows. Yet we all hold shades of both light and dark meaning an ornate goodness lies within us all. So let us find peace within ourselves so we can one day walk free, free from this time of darkness.’’

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