Wednesday, December 29, 2010

I like the feeling where your parents trudge off to bed at night. Your alone and everything is still, i think thats my favourite part of the day during the holidays.

Its when I can simply "be"

I spend my nights dnm'ing(its wat im good for haha) with all and sundry on msn. Or I play guitar for hours, eating gummi worms or dancing like a crazy mofo to songs on my iPod.

But there comes an end of the day where I have to make the long trudge back to my room. Now I have very asian parents and hell hath no fury like a Sri Lankan mother woken up at all hours of the night due to her son. Hence I have to ninja my way to my room in the dark.

Im not sure about you but I hate walking when I can't see. I had an experience at school where i was dressed up like sponge bob square pants(i looked pretty brutal). So here I was in my square pants and I had to walk across the hall. To all your coordinated folk, this would have been easy but I was a noob and stacked it like the cool kid I am.

But back to walking in the dark, I hate that feeling of uncertainty. As mundane as it may be I hate that inability to truely know where i'm going. In experiences of recent weeks I have learnt such ideality is ridden with a perception of "I". Gaining the ideal is not something we can accomplish by fierce tactics or thought out planning.

I think for us all the ideal is happiness, in the end happiness is something sought purely for what it is not as a means of achieving something else.

That said Ive learnt that ones happiness multiplies when its divided amongst others. When there is no fear of dark just a resolve of whats in front of you.

So for me my room's whats in front, no more flailing in the dark aye. We live the ideal

Later days kids, best of luck for the new year. May u aspire for a bigger and better 2011

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