Sunday, September 27, 2009

My Labido

As far as myself and my grandmother goes, we are by no means exceptionally close. I guess you could call it old age or the attitude of old Sri Lankan people but she has always tried to buy over my love with severely outdated gifts. Over the year I have received womens deo, toy cars and plastic action figures. Usually it involves me nicely saying thank you athama(sinhalese for grandma) and thinking oh shit not another one.

Today however as my mother came home after visiting her from the retirement village she pulled out my latest gift. As usual expectations were rather low, yet to my shock I was handed a copy of a ''playboy joke book'' from the 90's containing all of the mansions sexual connetations. The term ''you gotta be shitting me'' was a total understatement at the time.

I opened my new book to read the first joke ''what looks best behind women's ears?''

the catch line being ''there legs''

I like many other guys would have laughed. Yet for want of a better topic and after the hysterics and my hormones calmed down I thought why is this so funny?

I would like to think since the dawn of man us males have found some sense of arrousement in women. Nothing much has changed now call it sexual drive or hormones but I don't seem to understand why I like most others would see the opposite sex for only half of what they really are. They say ignorance is bliss yet I guess why are we so fickle that only ones physical appearance seems to matter. Any female that happens to walk my way automatically seems to set off a meter in my head that rates them from 1-10 on their looks. Yet in the end isn't something like appearance purely hollow? As cliche as it sounds whatever happened to inner beauty. I guess the point im alluding to is that appearance can get one so far. Like being born ''genetically gifted" is great and all but isn't it an individuals character and personality that gets them through life. If such a thing as a character is so important how come the meter in my head won't ever rate a girls personality from 1-10. Do people such as myself truly views ones looks so highly or are we just shallow individuals who see things for half of what they really are.

I will leave that one with you

later days

ps.thanks for reminding me to fix up my grammer corbett, sorry to anyone who read my first few posts which lacked all gramatical conventions and made little sense =[

1 comment:

  1. I like it how you now writ elike a normal person - it's a whole lot easier for me because I don't have to translate net slang and then get the meaning. Just a tip, typos are fine, but try not to screw up the title. It's "libido", I believe.

    In regards to the post, guys separate personality from looks and it's pretty obvious that it's not just a small group of us because there's a whole industry that makes money by catering for our... Visual needs. We don't consider personality unless we think of the girl or woman as more than an object,(sorry ladies, but I've got a point) like a friend.

    Frankly, I could easily be wrong, but as for the majority of women, they aren't so different from guys in the way that they will just be interested in someone's looks. It's too tiring to be taking into account someone's personality, especially when they are (by your reckoning) a horrible person.
